Catholic Church in Bronx, NY
For those who are discerning the possibility of becoming Catholic, the Church has the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), which is the formal title for the whole process of preparing adults for entrance into the Catholic Church.
The RCIA program prepares men and women to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Each year we welcome new members into our Catholic faith and the ceremony is celebrated at our Easter Vigil Mass.
The RCIA can be a vital source of renewal for our own parish community, not only because of the addition of new members into our community, but also because it will be our personal witness, our worship service, and our teaching that will offer the invitation and support necessary for men and women to be initiated into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Please call the rectory and leave your name, phone number, and address, if you wish to inquire about the program. The rectory number is: 718-892-1900.
If you are thinking of entering more fully into the Catholic Church, pray about it and let the Lord do the rest.
Contact Mrs. Marie McCarrick at 718-892-1900 for further information and enrollment.