by Return to Me: Lenten Reflections by Holy Cross 2019
“The truth will set you free.” We often hear this expression. But what does this phrase really mean for Christians today? Telling the truth isn’t always easy and living the truth is even more demanding. Jesus calls us to be honest: to our colleagues, professors, students, family, friends, and to ourselves. Being honest with oneself requires prayerful discernment and listening to the voice of God inside.
Today’s Gospel reading reminds us that God our Father created a purpose for each one of us. Jesus said,
“I did not come on my own, but He sent me.” What has God sent you for? What is God sending you to do? Life is full and filled with noise especially in our modern world of technology. When was the last time you paused to consider what God is calling and sending you to do?
During my sophomore year, I went on the Spiritual Exercises retreat offered for students at the Joyce Contemplative Center. It was much needed – a reminder and a good challenge for me to silence my surroundings, to listen more closely to God and to embrace solitude looking inward to my heart and soul. Today’s Gospel remind us that Lent is an opportunity for each one of us to check in and be honest with ourselves, pray about God’s individual plan for each one of us and prepare our hearts for the Holy Triduum.