Spend some time on FORMED.org, if you haven't already signed up. Thanks to a generous benefactor, all parishes in the Archdiocese of New York are currently signed up for this online platform that provides Catholic content such as movies, E-books, audio talks, Bible studies, and more! Theres is an Advent study, as well as new program on the Sacrament of Confession, called
FORMED.org is a website that you log into with a parish access code that allows you to view all content. This means that you can view this great Catholic material anywhere you have internet access. All you need to do is enter the access code that your parish has provided.
Whether it is an activity at your parish or sitting down at home to watch something on FORMED.org, this is an opportunity to receive many graces and keep our focus on what really matters. It is good for us to show our gratitude to God by spending some time reflecting on His great act of love -- sending us His Son to be our Savior.
Faithfully in Christ, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan Archbishop of New York