by Return to Me: 2020 Lenten Reflections by Holy Cross University
Gospel Reading: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40; Heb 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38
“Is it not enough for you to weary people, must you also weary my God?” How weary God must be of me. Throughout this difficult year I have called upon Him relentlessly: “Dear God, heal my sister’s heart broken by betrayal.” “Please God, give strength to my brother as he battles cancer once again.” “No, God, don’t take my husband yet.” And then, in the same breath, “Take him home, he has suffered enough.” I have asked much of God this year. And yet, like Ahaz, I have not trusted in Him. In moments of grief and loss, I have surrendered to anger and despair. I have asked Him to follow my plan. I have been unable—or unwilling—to turn over the burdens of my heart to God’s infinite wisdom and mercy. But He does not let us go so easily. Despite Ahaz’ obstinance, God sent him a sign of His constancy: a child named Emmanuel, “God is with us.” During these grueling days when I have struggled with heartache, I find comfort in Isaiah’s reassurance that God is with us. Suffering will always be part of the human condition. And our humanness allows us to respond to suffering with fear and grief. However, if we trust in God, if we truly believe that He is with us, then we will not despair. He will walk us through our trials.
During this Lenten season, may you trust that God walks with you through your darkest days.