by Return to Me: 2020 Lenten Reflections by Holy Cross University
Gospel Reading: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105; John 8:51-59
In these times of uncertainty and adversity, we who are faithful believers are challenged to uphold and honor God’s promises. God never fails in his promises. He is able and willing to fulfill His word if only we dare to trust Him.
Although God’s promise as written in our scripture reading was specific to the covenant made with Abraham to “father a host of nations,” this covenant was realized and the promise fulfilled. Obedience and faithfulness were the assurances needed for completion.
In today’s world of broken promises — by politicians, marketers, friends, colleagues and sometimes family — we are constantly faced with deceit and deception. But it is different with God’s promises. What may seem daunting and impossible is always possible with God. Let us be guided by the story of Abraham. Let us be steadfast. Let us be patient. Let us be faithful. Let us believe his word.
In what ways are you standing on the promises of God? What problems are you facing? God’s promises empower and sustain us through good times and bad. Are we solid enough in our faith to be followers? Can we be obedient and trust that his will is being done?
Through grace we are assured that his promise of forgiveness, salvation and the gift of eternal life is everlasting. In the refrain of an old church hymn “Standing on the promises I cannot fall, listening every moment to the spirit’s call, resting in my Savior as my all is all...I’m standing on the promises of God.”