Catholic Church in Bronx, NY
Mrs. Marie McCarrick
Director, Religious Education Program
St. Theresa Parish
2855 St. Theresa Avenue
Bronx, New York 10461
Telephone: 718.792.8434
St. Theresa Parish Religious Education (CCD)
Mrs. Marie McCarrick, Director
As Catholics, we believe that the celebration of Mass is the most perfect prayer we can offer to God in adoration, thanksgiving, petition and praise. As God's family, we gather each Saturday evening or Sunday morning to say who we are, the family of God on Earth, worshiping as a community and family. The final blessing of Mass sends us forth to be the disciples of Jesus in the World, strengthened by God's Word and Sacrament.
*We encourage the families of children in our parish school and religious education to attend the Family Mass on Sunday at 10:30a.m.