Catholic Church in Bronx, NY
We are saddened by the death of
Father Edmundo Gomez
who served our Spanish community for the past seven years.
Funeral Arrangements are as follows:
and the Funeral Mass in English will be
offered here on Wednesday
at 11:00AM
“Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.”
Dear Friends of St. Theresa Parish:
If you visit our church, you will see signs that simply say “WELCOME.” I think that is a symbol of what St. Theresa’s Parish is supposed to be, indeed what it has been for so many past years and, please God, will always be—a place of welcome. Our church stands as a reminder that the Lord welcomes all to His house, to pray for themselves, for their families and for us all.
We welcome so many people:
This is what St. Theresa’s Parish is all about—a place of welcome. We invite you to come and join us. The Lord is waiting—and so are we!
We encourage you to read about our church on this website. This website tells a story of welcome of which we are very proud. Then come to Sunday Mass, If you do, I think you will understand what we mean when we say “Welcome.” We hope you will take up our invitation.
Just remember: Welcome!
God bless you!
Father Thomas B. Derivan
The Eucharistic Renewal
Dear Friends,
Our Church is observing a special time throughout our country. It is called the Eucharistic Renewal, a time to renew our love and devotion to Our Lord Jesus in Holy Communion. You will notice the banner in front of church, encouraging this Eucharistic Renewal. It reads:
The Eucharistic Renewal;
a time of growing in our love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Our theme is;
“Jesus in the center of the Church,
Jesus in the center of our lives.”
During this special time, the Church wants us all to reflect on the great mystery of the Holy Eucharist and to grow in our appreciation of Our Lord giving Himself to us in this holy sacrament.
1. Remember what the Holy Eucharist is: it is the Body of Jesus Himself. It is not just a symbol of His Body. It IS His Body because He said to the apostles at the Last Supper, “This IS my Body which will be given up for you.” Unfortunately many people do not understand this. Hopefully we all do and hopefully during this year we will thank Jesus more and more for giving Himself to us in this holy Sacrament.
2. We should realize how privileged we are to receive Jesus Himself in Holy Communion at Mass. Our own St. Theresa put it this way, “For it is not to remain in a golden vessel that He comes down each day from Heaven. He comes to find another Heaven, the Heaven of our souls.” The Lord wants to come to us in Holy Communion every Sunday. Our attitude should not be, “I have to come to Mass.” Instead you should want to come to Mass to receive Jesus Himself who is the strength of our life.
3. If we are honest with ourselves, we know t hat we need special strength to keep on the right path of Christian life as we go on in life. There are so many things that can prevent us from following Jesus’ way. Remember there is no greater strength that we can have to continue to live a good Christian life than by receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion. Holy Communion helps us to remember, as our banner in front of church says, “Jesus is in the center of the church. Jesus is in the center of our lives.”
4. If you have been coming to Mass and receiving Holy Communion every Sunday, God bless you! The Lord says to you, Keep up the good work! If you have not been doing so, let this time of the Eucharistic Renewal be a time of coming home to Mass and Holy Communion. On the banner if front of church, you see Our Lord holding the Blessed Sacrament out to all of us. Remember He is holding His Sacrament out to you. Welcome Him!
God bless you!
Father Thomas B. Derivan
Here is our full schedule of weekend Masses:
If you are new to our neighborhood, we want you to know that St. Theresa’s Church has a warm welcome for you. Come!
For Traveling Catholics-
If you are traveling and are looking for a Catholic Church and the times of the Masses, you can consult the site, Go to Catholic Church Near Me and put in the zip code near where you are staying.
It has long been a Catholic understanding that when circumstances prevent one from receiving Holy Communion, it is possible to make an Act of Spiritual Communion, which is a source of grace. Spiritual Communion is an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament and lovingly embrace him at a time or in circumstances when one cannot receive Him in sacramental Communion. The most common reason for making an Act of Spiritual Communion is when a person cannot attend Mass. Acts of Spiritual Communion increase our desire to receive sacramental Communion and help us avoid the sins that would make us unable to receive Holy Communion worthily.
Spiritual Communion Prayer
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
And unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.
Confessions are heard in our church every Saturday from 4:00PM to 5:00PM. The following procedures are followed in our church for confession:
1 You will see two confession stations in the church, one by hallway near the sacristy and the other in the front of church.
2. When you come to confession, you may either stand or kneel.
3. For your assistance, the Act of Contrition is to be found on the kneeler in the confession station. There are two forms of the Act of Contrition. Please select the one you wish to use.
3. Those who are waiting for confession should stand outside at a respectful distance to preserve confidentiality.
4. Please speak loudly enough for the priest to hear, but not too loudly so that others may hear you.
6. After your confession, you may return to your bench to recite your penance and to give thanks to God for this beautiful sacrament.